Friday, November 7, 2008


Our Halloween was great! This was a great year because Allyn is finally getting old enough to actually get trick-o-treating. It took her a few houses to get the idea, but once she did she was hooked!

Her good friend Genevieve, or "Jesse" as she calls her, came to our house to go trick-o-treating. Genevieve was a black cat and Allyn was a monkey. They were so cute! I would say cutest in the neigborhood by far!!

We only made it to about 15 houses and that took about an hour and a half! Once we got home both girls came straight into the living room dumped out their bags and dug in. It was like they knew exactly what to do! We just let them eat and eat... why not!!

Hollis was a little ghost. She thought Halloween was great... well great for napping that is!

Here are some pictures:

Oh yeah, the pictures of Allyn as a Ballerina are from Gymboree. We tried it out the day before Halloween and it was costume day.

1 comment:

juice said...

Maci, how cute are those pics? Mary Hollis has changed so very much, I have to see her soon!!!Your blog regarding your and Cristie's running experience was well done and I think you may have a future as a writer?? It was also pretty funny. Saying goodbye to the Old Maci was too funny.

Love You all, Juice

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